Become a partner
Be part of the Digital Transformation and Create new services for your clients with the complete ISIcrunch Platform offer.
lSIcrunch Partners are PrePress industry leaders to answer Publisher’s high-demand production
Why become a partner?
Offering new services
Skilled people may extend their knowledge by producing the Digital version of the Print books.
Minimum training
Becoming a Partner is a must-have for Simultaneous Print & Digital Workflow.
You're not alone
Some companies work already with us, like IGS-CP, STDI (France) and Off-Shore companies.

Fênix Editorial – Brasil Partner
Fênix Editorial, uma empresa que nasceu com o propósito de impactar o mercado editoria mundial, usando conhecimento aplicado a soluções tecnológicas inovadoras que transformam os modelos de educação e editorial.
Fênix Editorial, a company that was born with the purpose of impacting the world publishing market, using knowledge applied to innovative technological solutions that transform education and editorial models.
RePubIt – US Partner
Repubit Incorporated is a technology, data analytics, and publishing service that converts legacy publication content and courseware into future-proofed Transmedia Publications.
RePubIT provides strategic planning, content assessment, design and UX prototyping, full-scale production, data collection and analysis, and eCommerce services to private and public sector clients operating in open-source and regulated industries.