Your partner of choice when digitalizing complex and well-designed books
The Digital Era
In the past two decades, Digital Publishing grew from black and white first ebook to today’s rich interactive and engaging content. ISI is a pioneer in the field of Digital Publication and Workflow Solutions, with more than 30 years of experience.
A partner of choice
Following the evolution of publishing standards, ISI is continuously investing in the optimization of its platform to reach an unprecedented level of quality regarding ePub 3 conversion. Today ISI is seen as the partner of choice when digitalizing complex and illustrated books, or turning massively to digital distribution with high-volume digitalization programs.
Secure, efficient
ISI was founded in 2003 to offer a new Global Asset Management solution allowing for the complete outsourcing of hosting, computing and processing of publications including documents, pictures and videos. With a recognized expertise in pdf-based technologies, ISI serves clients willing to rely on a secure, efficient and transparent workflow.
3 500 eTextbooks delivered
3 Production teams
30 years of experience
Meet Our team
Bastien Cochini
Managing director
Jérôme Mettefeu
Fullstack developer
Vincent Wartelle
President & Founder
Guillaume Macquat
Lead developer
Claude-Emmanuel Boisson
Cécile Domange
Production Chief Operating Officer